I Felt My Height on 9/11 – September 12, 2015

Yesterday, I made a short road trip to Crafton Hills College which is located in the town of Yucaipa, California.  I’ve always driven past this small town which is off the I-10 on my way to Los Angeles.  It was the first time that I’d ever exited the freeway and what a pleasant surprise.  It is such a scenic town.  If you get the opportunity, go there and explore the scenery with your camera.

Anyway, I was there to cheer on a friend who was trying to get classified as a swimmer in the Paralympics.  I was there with three other friends who were seated in the bleachers (the only available shade in 99 degree heat).  As they talked, I rolled around to take photos of the day’s events and the swimmer that we came to cheer for.  After being assaulted and abused by the relentless sun, I found my way back to the bleachers so that I could put my cameras away and stand up to stretch my back.

I’m not sure if anyone will understand what I am about to attempt to explain but, on five years to the day of the TM onset, it was the first time that I stood up and actually felt my height.  It was the first time in five years that I felt as if I took up space and time.  I didn’t feel diminutive any longer as I stood there holding onto the railing for support.  It was the strangest and most euphoric sensation that I’ve ever felt.  I actually got so overwhelmed with emotion that I had to sit down!

It has been 5 years since my onset date and my road to recovery has been very slow.  I don’t know why my journey has this timeline while others have had short recovery times but I honestly have to say that I no longer care to make comparisons.  I do, however, continue to trust God and recall the words that he whispered to me one night while I was undergoing chemotherapy….  “All is well with you”   He said it, I believe it and one day I will stand and walk on that promise!!!!  Until then I will stand tall through it all feeling every bit of my 5’3″ – lol.


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