May 24, 2014 – A Progress Report

I have some exciting things to share with everyone………

Okay, here is the first thing and it has to do with feeling encouraged.  Over the past week or so, I’ve been watching videos that have been posted by members of Transverse Myelitis Folks.  These videos are posted on a private Facebook Group whose members face TM and similar conditions.  (If you need a support group, I highly suggest you apply for membership).  These videos have been so inspiring and have moved me to tears of joy in every single instance.  Watching them has given me the mental boost that I wasn’t even aware that I needed.  Thanks to all my TM peeps that shared your progress!

Next, I started physical therapy again last week and so far I am very pleased.  The facility is well equipped and the staff is personable.  I can not comment of the therapists just yet because I am just getting started but stay tuned – haha!.  The director of the facility (United Therapy Network) is a young lady that I met while going to a prior facility.  It was very good to see her at this new place because I had so much confidence in her previously.  So that made me happy!  She wrote my plan of care and so far I am pleased because we are working on equipment that will focus on further developing my core strength.  Being out and about has also motivated me to do more.

Next, my neurologist sent me to have leg braces custom made to assist me in correcting a condition called drop foot.  This is a condition that comes about as a result in muscle weakness.  When I take a step, my foot tends to drag some and my toe hits the ground and I trip over my own foot.  Ugh!!   Anyway, the braces are suppose to help correct this condition.  Here, take a peek…..

leg brace


The bottom portion has to go into my shoe and the top part is secured around my leg just below my knee.  Because the bottom part is so wide, I had to get a larger shoe to accommodate the brace.   Uhhh yeah!  I had to get a size 10 shoe!!!  This just adds insult to injury….I already have skinny little chicken legs and now I have to put a size 10 shoe on.  This looks so ridiculous and I can’t help but laugh at myself!!!!  You may be asking where is the good news in this… well there isn’t any – hahaha!  When I put them on and tried to walk with them they caused so much nerve pain in the bottom of my foot that standing became unbearable.  I actually do better without them…. so I have to go back to the drawing board on this issue and try to find a different solution.   So much of my recovery is trial and error and I have learned not to let these situations frustrate me too much.

Next, my balance is improving.  When I am standing I don’t “weeble/wobble” like I use to.  I actually feel as if I’m standing solidly and if I feel like I’m losing my balance its getting easier to correct the beginning of a fall.   I really wish that I was further along in this area because then I would not be so afraid to walk with the walker more.  I am so afraid of falling and breaking something.  But I do see improvement and I am pleased about that.

I am most excited about this next thing because for me it means the beginning of increased independence.  This past Wednesday, I went to an event sponsored by Judy May of Incight.  It was a hand cycle clinic that was held at the Stroke Recovery Center in Palm Springs.  I got there too late to participate but while I was there Judy introduced me to a gentleman that gave me some advice to help me solve my problem of not being able to get my wheelchair into my car.  In the past, I would transfer from my wheelchair into my car and dismantle my wheelchair.  The problem was that I had to have someone else put the wheelchair parts into the back seat and trunk of my car because I could not do this myself.  This meant that I could get into my car, drive to a destination but once I arrived, I could not get out of the car or I had to have someone waiting on the other end to help me assemble my chair.  Well, after talking to this gentlemen and following his advice and pointers, I am able to perform this entire task all by myself!!!!!!!!!!  Come one people….. spell this with me…… F. R. E. E. D. O. M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats it for now folks…..If you guys are reading this, please, leave me a note and let me know what is new with you.


4 thoughts on “May 24, 2014 – A Progress Report

  1. I love your blog. I have had TM since 2004, and until recently, had never met anyone else with it, and my doctors just considered my “complicated”, without understanding why. It’s great to find people who really get it! I too, have drop foot and was fitted with the same type of brace, and it was a total waste of money. I hate the damn thing and it stands in a corner by itself! I just have to move slowly and deliberately, and never try to hurry. Thanks for sharing your story. We are all in this club we would rather not be in! Wishing you continued improvement, and you are doing great!

    • I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed my blog. Thank you. Isn’t it terrible to go thru all this wasted equipment. I have accumulated a lot of things over the years and need to figure out what to do with it all besides wanting to start a bonfire – haha! I hate that we are in this TM club but it has gotten easier over the years because of people like you who share. Thanks!

  2. This is awesome, I’m so proud of your progress. I have been going to this new place in Long Beach called Precisiob Rehabilitation and I live it! I have made such great progress in such a short time and I love the therapists. I am walking with the walker now when I go for my sessions but I am still not confident to do it at home by myself yet. We have both come a long way and I am always in constant prayer for us both. Declare it! Claim it! Speak it into existence and it shall be yours.

    • Hey sis, Thank you. I’m glad to hear that you are making such great progress. We will be walking in God’s time, that’s for certain!

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